South Rise Radio Station
South Rise Primary School was very proud to add an in-house community radio station to the school in 2009.
Loudspeakers were installed in the Infant and Junior lunch halls, in all corridors in the school and in the outdoor playground areas. The radio station broadcasts throughout the school day and is run by a group of Gifted and Talented Year 6 children.
Children have been given access to podcasting websites to enable them to upload their work to the world wide web as well as within school. The Year 6 classes have created podcasts and also use the Audacity software programme to produce multi-layer tracks including adverts, jingles and longer pieces of DJ work.
The students are encouraged to script their work to create professional drops for the radio station. We are also now getting offers of involvement from CBeebies and Radio 1 DJs who are excited about the project and want to work with the children to enlighten them about both the technical and literary aspects of producing radio shows. The children are encouraged to think about future career prospects now open to them following from the training at the school.Click the links on the below to hear some examples of the podcasts created as part of the South Rise Radio Station and you can also listen to the mentions of South Rise Radio on the Radio 1 Early Breakfast Show with Dev!